People should know by now that we are not the people to cross when we want something done, have we to get history to repeat itself again? Ever since the start there has been nothing but pain for everyone that tries to stand in our way, every single body thrown in front has been hit over by the unstoppable freight train like the Age of Arrogance. People now more than ever are trying to end us, put the Age of Arrogance to sleep forever like a good ol' fashioned fairy tale where the good always win. This though is no fairy tale, the AoA crush every single little speck on light which everyone who watches wrestling and MPW think can stop us. What different about now then? Nothing has changed and once again by the end of this whole little "thing" the Iconic Asslickers have going on and Madd Katt running around like he's 20 years old again I will tell all of you that THE AGE OF ARROGANCE WAS RIGHT!!

Onto this week though I have the pleasure of stepping in the ring for the first time in a little while to face a man who's only claim to fame is beating some scrubs in the lower card and then joining two guys who spend more time combing there vaginas then stepping into the ring and wrestling. Now Lucas I would talk about how I am going to step in the ring and make an example out of you but that seems to be something that happens on a daily basis now doesn't it? I've been saying the same thing every week and to prove that I have told the truth I have this piece of gold around my waist. 

Stepping stones that is all that people around here are, very soon you will see the extent on what happens when you get on the wrong end of an elbow Lucas King, luckily you have had the priviledge of never stepping in the ring with me. That and a whole lot more will change including the face of someone who I must point out.

I was a couple of weeks ago having a nice drink of the good old VB and then on one frosty MPW TNT night one Jack Dogwin got into not only AOA business but into a realm of hurt, a place where no one comes out walking on there own to feet. You Dogwin have gotten into Chris Cable's business and now you pissed me off. I said it on twitter and I will say it again, no longer am I laughing, no longer am I sitting around drinking VB, you Dogwin I want and when the time comes you will not only have your face implanted into a fucking mat but you will never see the light of day again!

Shaun Cross as for you.....jees there seems to be a lot of people I'm fighting with these days, back in NYCCW all I took on was the Hamburgular, crap I just said I wasn't joking anymore! Any ways Shaun this episode of TNT is going to be the go home show to MPW uprising and I can promise you that I will have something to say to you on that show and trust me when i say that the win you had a couple of weeks a go was a floock! you are nothing more than some pathetic rag who just happens to be the only opponent for me around this joint. Maybe I gotta go face that bloke who compliments other wrestlers, he looks like he always wins. 

But onto the bigger picture Uprising my first X-Core title defence and the first of many to come in a title reign I promise to all of you will just be as record breaking as the tag team title run!

Till then adios...



Standing next to the flaming barbecue I feel the heat burn off me as the stake burns on the  The siring smoke and the smell fill the apartment as Drake sits on the seat next with his VB in hand as he watches the NBA finals in the background on the little portable TV.

Drake: Hey Chris are you sure that thing is safe? You've got sparks in your bloody hair!

Chris: Of course it's safe! It's aussie grown Angus beef, it's got a lot of meat in it, what's why it's a little spiffy!

Drake: Yeah I'm sure, like the time you tried to cook eggs on my maserati a couple of years back!

[I look up from the BBQ and look at Drake as I brush away the charcoal on my face]

Chris: I'm sorry about that ok, how was I supposed to know that the egg would run into the engine.

Drake: You made my car pump out egg from the exhaust you son of a bitch!

Chris: But I was hungry!

[Drake laughs as he get up and picks himself up as Sophie comes from across the park next to myself, she is wearing her hair down as she looks at the stacks and other meats burning away]

Sophie: You know right boys that there's only three of us right?

[Drake and I smile at each other as we both have a huge grin on our faces]

Drake: Well Sophs what that is, is the entrée! We have a whole other kilo in the esky!

Cable: Yeah we're growing boys, we need our meat to grow up big and strong!

[Sophie looks at us in shock as she walks away shaking her head]

Cable: Where you going?

Sophie: I'm going for a walk, that bloody smoke is gonna choke me out, call me when the cows ready...

Drake: Horse to be exact...

[As Sophie walks away, Drake joins Cable up at the BBQ and they both watch the meat]

Chris: You wanna have a snag straight off the barby? Get em' while there hot!

Drake: Why not! Let's get this ball rolling.

[I use the tongs by my side to grab one of the sausages and pass them to Drake holding up the bread, he grabs one for me as well as I put the tongs down and let the steak cook on one half of the barby while the other side with sausages is left to cool]

Drake: This feels just like old times! Last time we did one of these you not only got egg yolk coming out of my break lights but you tried that mixture in the sausage, you called it "The 69 secret different herbs and spices" was more like bloody cocaine and some ice!

[I look at Drake with a smile as we both take a bit of the sausage]

Cable: Ok the bloke of the side of the street turned out wasn't a guy selling herbs for the meat for super low prices, but this time instead of getting them of the streets of Richmond Melbourne I got them from New York and they were even cheaper!

[Drake smiles and laughs for a second before turning back at me realising what I just said]

Drake: Wait.....did you just say you got the herbs for this meat off a bloke in the back streets of New York for cheap prices....

[I nod slowly as Drake's rage and the realisation that he just took some weird substances builds, I also feel nauseous as we look back at each other and then down the field where out of the bush jumps Indiana Baxter chasing what seems to be an arab person with Johnny Clash's head on it. Drake turns back at me as I look at him and the face on him looked like he wanted to chop my head off]


[Drake starts running after me as I drop the sausage and start sprinting]

Cable: I'm sorry Drake!! Please stop chasing me I don't know where the trees are any more!!!!