Well well, here we are only a little under a week after the grand Uprising where not only did we see the world title change hands but as always I did exactly what I said. I walked into the TD Gardens and said to all of you that I would win and continue my reign as the X-Core title. While in the back though after the victory sitting by myself I got the chance to look at this belt for a long time. I looked at the big X which lights up this belt and I realised that this right here is what is wrong with professional wrestling. This business shall not be built on getting a couple of weapons and beating the hell out of someone else with it, this company shall not be built on some spot monkeys who’s only claim to fame is jumping off a couple of ladders. Wrestling shall be built on something much richer, something which contains the entire essence of wrestling. Without being a pure wrestler you can never have a claim to the best in the world but as long as you hold something as insignicant as the X-Core belt then well your not going very far in this business.


So now that I have got some crap out of the way let me cut to the chase, this here, the X-Core belt no longer is worthy is this business, it no longer became something when Chris Cable a wrestler above the wrestling skills of this crappy division came and took out every single piece of competition that came into my path.


[Cable walks across the screen next to a trash can]


This here no longer is ANYTHING and for myself to continue my quest for the best prizes in professional wrestling I need to win the belt which are not only of significance but a belt which needs wrestling skill, a belt that needs the wrestler to be at the top of their game and that of course is the World’s Heavyweight Title. 2 years ago I was in WWC and it was a time where every was in my grasp. A Tag team title belt, a TV title, a Hardcore title but the one title that eluded me was that world heavyweight championship. NYCCW, jee is feels like a long time ago now but a tag team title and an all-action championship but once again the thing that eluded me was that world title. So now we are here in MPW and once again not once have a been able to say I have carried the most presitgous gold in Pro Wresting. But now things have changed, next week on TNT it is myself and Trey Baxter going one on one for his newly won world heavyweight title. When we step into that ring it will be the chance for myself to beat Trey Baxter and walk out of TNT with my first MPW world title.


So what does that mean for the title I hold in my hands? This now means NOTHING, this title means nothing because Chris Cable is done with it


[Cable throws the belt into the big and then from out of his pocket he pulls first a lighter and some leaves, he throws the leaves in and then the lighter which sets the entire can on fire including the X-Core belt]


That belt is no more! Now MPW we focus on Chris Cable becoming the world champion!


So Trey for how long now have you and I been going at it? We have faced each other and we have even teamed together but at the end of the day you seem to be the sought of person that likes numbers, you like to point out how you have beaten me on more occasions than Jackson Blaze sucks from your pussy. Actually…..that would mean you have beaten me a hell of a lotta times! Anyways but this time Trey, things have changed! All those other times the stakes of the matches were no where as big as what is about to go down on TNT.


When I step into that ring Baxter you and I will have a war, I know it and you know it that out battle will be one for the ages. Our battle will be one that the historians will call a classic all at the same time that the world title belt is on the line. Here we have no “nearly won”, “I got so close”, no we cut all the bullshit because one man walks out with the belt and the other does not. Actually more along the lines of I walk out with the belt and after a ripcord elbow lays you out, you Trey will be brought out on a strectcher with nowhere to go except the contrains of a hospital bed.


These are the sought of battles when titles are won or lost, the sought of matches which will determine who becomes the face of this company. At the moment Trey you are and that in itself makes me sick to my stomach! Some peasant like you being on the front of a company I helped build, been here since day ONE and for all its worth we get you representing MPW. Now that right there is what is wrong with Professional Wrestling! That is why MPW will never be considered the best wrestling company of all time because of Trey Baxter. He represents the wrongs of wrestling and I have to make up for those wrongs and correct them so that no longer we have the Iconic Assblower on the front of MPW.


So Trey I will see you out on the battlefield and remember to bring a helmet because you will need one! When I throw my elbows at you it will be like an artillery strike over every single thing you have ever loved because at TNT your world crashes down and Chris Cable rises as world champion!


[Cable smirks as he stares at the camera before walking off, as he does he runs across again suddenly and then once again going back in the direction he was originally walking]


Cable: Forgot my VB!



This balcony seemed to be the place where I could come consistently and reflect, to think what could happen next, what I was going to do next. This was the area where were it seemed like I was in the worst areas of my life, where at times I questioned some things as extreme as my own life and then when I see the Boston Metro from the balcony of my house it seemed to be the place where everything was gone, apart from the ring whenever I wanted a break from the real world this is where I came. 

Thinking about the match coming up and what seemed to be a match that has happened a couple of times now. Last time i faced Trey Baxter I told the world that I needed to win, I had gotten into a Twitter war with Trey and decided that we needed to take it to the ring. I told the world that I needed to win for myself to be considered one of the best in the world, to be considered something of significance and I lost. I lost because when I did jump into the ring to wrestle Trey Baxter I had the idea in my mind that winning was the only option. This time I learn from my mistakes and this time I will go into this match with a different thought process. Things have changed though, now Trey Baxter is part of the Iconic Agression and as much as I hate to admit it they have made a huge impact holding now every single title in MPW but the thing that seperates them from being considered the best is that soon their little honymoon will come to a spinning halt.

The IA will meet their match come TNT because now that I have learnt this time and when we face off Trey I will expect your little assblowers coming to help your sorry ass, I'm expecting a Lights Out out of nowhere because whatever you try I will not only be ready but I have my elbow and everytime you now attempt any of your shit you and anyone else who wants to try will be KO'd like a dog being run over a truck. 

My thoughts of the match this week were broken by the calls of Sophie from inside. I turn around and smile as I get up and go through the sliding doors to go into Sophie with the roast ham on the table, Andre is on the couch playing CoD as I go into the kitchen where Sophie is trying to cut up the Ham

Cable: Hey Sophs do you want some help with that?

[She looks up to me and smiles as she goes back to trying to cut the ham]

Sophie: No thanks, I've got this! AHHH

[Suddenly she lets go of the knife as she holds her wrist. I jump in front of her and grabbed the knife]

Cable: It's ok the world's strongest man will cut this majestic ham

[As I go to cut I hear both Sophie and Andre sitting on the couch laughing, I smile as well as I go to cut it, I give a grunt before trying to cut it, as I go I struggle to get through the ham, I get half way before I see the huge hand of Andre grab my hand, as I look up he smiles at me before grabbing the knife out of my hand and slices the ham with ease]

Andre: Well "world's strongest man" your an idiot! Maybe you should leave the strength department to Sophie!

[I laugh as Andre places the ham on the plate and then picks up the plate and place it on the nearby table. I continue to laugh as I go over and grab a couple of beers out of the fridge and chuck one to Andre before going to the table where Sophie joins us as well, I lick my lips as I place a piece on my plate]

Cable: I reckon lifes like a piece of ham

Sophie: Oh god here we go!

Cable: Just wait! I reckon it is because when you overcook Ham it's horrible, you can't taste anything but the bloody charcoal but if you undercook it is bearable because you can still have it raw!

[Andre looks up from his plate and looks at me confused]

Andre: So your saying you are saying that you comparing ham with different generations of people?

Cable: Exactly! Because when your young or raw in this case everyone still likes you, when your in-between people still like you, when your that ripe age so you know when your you know the perfect roast and then when your old no one likes you!

[Sophie looks over at me disgusted]

Sophie: So your saying that when I'm older you wont like me!

[Andre starts laughing after I realised what I just said I'm lost for words]

Cable:Ughhhh......ok your the exception!

[Andre then looks at me with the same sort of expression as Sophie]

Cable: Ok maybe.......my theorem isn't that correct....

[Andre gets up from his seat and before I can react he has me by the T-Shirt, next thing I know he has grabbed the nearby Samuel Adams Lager and attempts to make me drink it]

Andre: It's time Chris you drank some American beer

[I try to wrestle out of his hold, I nearly knock the beer out of his hands but Sophie comes and grabs it before shoving down my throat]

Chris: AHHHH

[As the liquid goes down my throat Andre realises me and I go to the floor holding my throat, it feels like a burning sensation has gone through me and I need to vomit, I crawl to the table gaspiing for air before grabbing the VB close by. I take a huge gulp before being in a state of relief. The two laugh at me as I sit on the ground with the VB next to me]

Chris: Ok maybe next time i wont make fun of people's ages!!