Orlando, Florida....for such a sunny place I don't why the people here suck. Apart from the tourists who flock these streets you've got to deal with hobo's coming up to you bagging you about your great stature in MPW. I guess that seems to be a common theme in this hole, every single city I enter i always get one bird brain thinking they can take on the best, arching up looking for there 15 minutes of fame but as always they fall. Failing like everyone who stands in the Age of Arrogance's way. Yes Trey baxter did beat me on Thursday but at what cost? A win doesn't mean everything every day of the week. Yer a win is important but what Trey Baxter despite winning is do is being brought something he didn't expect. He thought he would walk into that ring and beat me all over the place and that would be it but no, that match was competitive, i got this close to winning. Next time though Trey things will be different, the next match wont be competitive it will be me pinning your shoulders to the mat and my hand being raised. 

Talking of raising my hand in the middle of the ring what's happening this week, well it's The Age of Arrogance's first members in Drake Hunter the great leader of this cause and the man who will lead us to the grandest and most spectacular place in the wrestling world and that is in the middle of the ring with every single wrestler and wrestling fan believing in arrogance. With Drake Hunter and THE Chris Cable the current world and tag team champion walk in with one tough son of a bitch in jack dogwin vs well how do we put this, two scrubs. A super hero and a walking nobody. 

By the end of TNT redemption will be on hand, the loss last week will be erased from history and the Age of Arrogance with Chris Cable will re-write that history with us on top.


[Moments after TNT I stand in my locker room, a couple of minutes after losing to Trey Baxter. I sit on the bench with a broken locker and half of my suitcase laid across the ground. Drake Hunter comes in with a smile across his face, I look up dropping the towel I had my head downed in]

Drake: What up Chris!

Cable: Why all the smiles?

Drake: What you mean! We're always smiles around here, what all the doom and gloom about!

Cable: Well I'm not sure if you just saw but I just lost, lost to a guy I badly wanted to beat, I wanted to beat him cause it meant a lot to me and you.

Drake: Come on Chris! Head up dude, I saw what happened out there but you can't be angry, yer Trey beat you but you put up one hell of a showing, with that as well didn't you see what happened to me I lost to a wannabe superhero!

[Drake pauses for a second to pat me on the shoulder]

Drake: But all this doesn't mean one thing. A couple of losses mean shit! You are on top of the tag team division and we are going to make sure that the X-Core title stays in the grasp of the AoA. With that you also forgot that I'm the world champ! Trey might of one tonight but that doesn't mean he is going to beat me. I came over every single obstacle to win the title and you think Trey Baxter can beat me? Hell no!

[I look up with more enthusiasm in my face]

Cable: Well I guess when you put it like that it does sound a hell of a lot better, anyway why am I getting upset when you got some VB's!

[Drake looks shocked as he looks towards his pocket]

Drake: How the hell did you know that!

[Drake pulls two VB's out of his pocket chucking one to me]

Cable: We're Aussie mate! I smell the stuff!

[I take a big drink from the VB can sitting down at the same moment. Drake takes a seat as well on the nearby couch]

Drake: Oh yeah forgot to tell you as well, we have a match next week with Jack Dogwin against AJ Stark and Roxi Johnson in a handicap match.

Cable: Well, well, well looks like we got ourselves a good ol' fashioned fight then cause I'm not sure about you but I'm dahm hungry for some more wrestling!

Drake: Exactly! Everything that happened this week will be gone when we move onto Thursday where you and I Chris can make an example out of them! 

Cable: I guess you gotta point, any news about the X-Core title as well?

Drake: Yeah that was the other piece of news you'll be taking on the winner of Myra Pwnage and Jake Cage in the very near future

Cable: Awesome we got ourselves a little women I knocked out cold a couple of weeks ago and a joker who thinks he's funny, I'll show him that what i do to him in the ring is far from funny!

[Drake starts bursting out in laughter as I look up at him in confusion]

Drake: You've been watching those bloody movies again! 

[I join Drake in laughter]

Cable: Woops I let lose there without thinking....haha! I guess Fight Club has a big influence on my life.

[Drake just shakes his head before taking one last gulp of the VB can before putting it on the ground and stomping on it with his foot, after he does this I follow suit and quickly down the rest of my can]

Drake: So do you feel better now you little sob?

Cable: Yeah actually, feel pretty good. VB always seems to cheer us up

Drake: Haha, well let us get out of here cause we have to be on our way to Las Vegas!

Cable: I thought we had to go to Orlando....

Drake: Let's just say Cable my man, that it's on the way.

[Drake gives a wink before heading out the door]

Cable: I like how you think Mr Hunter.....


[The camera turns from the MPW sign to Chris Cable with Orlando, Florida behind him as he leans on the balcony.]

Cable: Well hello MPW this is a message of your local knockout artist CHRIS CABLE!!!! Last week was Trey Baxter taking on Chris Cable and people all week long have been asking me what it was like to lose and how I talked it up so much only to be given a lights out in the middle of the ring. My answer apart from wanting to elbow them in the face is that no matter what happened in the ring it was one hell of a fight and I got this close to beating him, but hey the victory isn't always what matters, the thing is Chris Cable even when he doesn't win he puts on a show, when you think you've got me down i get straight back up and no one can ever put me down for good because I will always keep coming back for more!

This week is what I'm here to address though because on Thursday Night Takedown it is the leader of the Age of Arrogance the man who everyone will one day follow Drake Hunter and I "CC" Chris Cable as we take on a fake super hero and her tag team partner AJ Stark. Now what my I ask is Laura Tavaras doing? She is one of the reason's why this company is so corrupt, why this place is infected with vile which infests into everybody here. Ms Tavaras has made a grave mistake making this match because it will endanger the health of MPW's Sin City champ and another guy that well...no one actually cares about, but still the mistake you made is that myself and Drake are in no talking mood, no we are in a mood to fight!

Last time we were in this sought of mood Trey Baxter had a car driven up his ass and Apostle Kried was put out of business. Look around Laura, look at what we've done and now you want us to continue to hurt people? The pain and suffering which will be brought down onto every single person who attempts to enter OUR ring will be in a lot of pain and wishing that they never entered an MPW ring again.

Further on from that after a helping help from my AoA companions we got rid of the donuts which would of just taken up my time next week in the X-Core Tournament which of course I am going to win and take on Kuk at Ruthless Assault but before that can happen I have to take on the winner of Myra Pwnage and Jake Cage. Again Laura why do you organise these sort of events because you know that I will just win them anyway. This entire thing is a waste of time because we know that Chris Cable would and is going to win this X-Core tourny. Whoever wins between the two it doesn't matter because I will beat them.

I made an example of Myra Pwnage a couple of weeks ago when I planted her with an elbow straight to her face, then there is Jake Cage. I have never faced Jake but we all know what the result would be, the result would be Chris Cable doing what he has done for so long and that is to hit the ripcord elbow and put an end to any aspirations Jake Cage or anyone else that they can get their hands on the X-Core title. When it gets to Ruthless Assault that is when the match will happen, the match which a lot of people think will cause a rift in the Age of Arrogance, the match where AoA counter parts Kuk Killswitch and Chris Cable fight over the title Kuk has held for quite a long time now, what will happen? Will Chris Cable become the first person to hold the X-Core title and the Tag team title at the same time? Will Kuk Killswitch reign as champion after Ruthless Assault?

Questions will be asked but the one thing we do know is that both myself and Kuk will give everything we have, every single fibre of our being will go into that match and the winner is the man who outlasts the other. This match will not be involve wrestling, hell we shouldn't even call this a match, this is going to be a brawl, an x-core brawl which will see which AoA member is tougher. At the end of the match regardless of who's arm is raised I believe Kuk that you and I will remain friends and we have huge respect for one another and there will be no respect lost in that match. I'm looking forward to facing you Kuk may the best man win.

So tools and twirps of MPW get ready for what I like to call a demolition derby because if AJ Stark and Roxi think they can walk into Orlando thinking they can beat the most dominant faction to grace the wrestling world then they are going to get the biggest wake up call they have ever received because Chris Cable and Drake Hunter are no joke unlike you two. We don't pretend to be something we are not, like you do, we don't pretend to be the best this company has got. The Age of Arrogance is in the main event every week and we will make sure the flash in the pan known as Roxi Johnson and Stark are out on there asses in the gutter because we are the top dogs, everybody else can watch us in awe taking every single thing that you people value and squash them until people start realising that the way of arrogance is the RIGHT WAY!

From the day that the Age of Arrogance was formed to now with Bliss, Kuk, Andre, Drake and myself we have taken on everything that has come before us and now look where we are. We as a collective unit as made every single wrestler fear us, looking behind there backs constantly scared they are going to be jumped because that's what out presence has done!

Now that I have adressed you dweeps unlike Roxi Johnson I am going out now to go meet my girlfriend unlike her as she sits in her basement looking from comic books from 15 years ago that she still to this day is her only friends. So for now...i am going to end with a remark which in it includes an elbow straight to the faces of AJ and Roxi....


[I stare into the camera showing only focus in my face, as the camera is focusing out a small grin comes over my face as I leave the camera shot to go back to the MPW logo]


Cable: Jesus!!!

[I launch myself off the couch as ice pours down my back, I turn to see the cheeky grin of Sophie]

Cable: What the fuck Sophs!!!!

Sophie: Oh don't you remember now Chris? You don't recall pouring beer all over me the other night!

[I get this ice out of my back quickly before heading to our room to get a new t-shirt]

Cable: It was American beer! I saw no other use for it!

Sophie: Oh really, so you thought it was best to chuck it at me!

Cable: Yeah.....I guess so.

[Sophie puts the glass which had the ice in it away as I appear from the bedroom with a new T-Shirt on]

Cable: Sorry I fell asleep, how was karate?

Sophie: Yeah really good, I reckon you should take it up! Then you could have something other than your elbow to use!

Cable: Karate....no thanks I went to Japan, don't forget that I got myself a black belt in not only ass kicking but also but when I was there I got myself a person from Thailand who trained me in Muay Thai which is one of the only martial art types which allow elbow strikes. 

Sophie: Why don't most allow elbows?

Cable: Simple, cause they knew if Chris Cable got into a spar with them then he would knock them out

[Sophie just shakes her head before going back into our room as I stand in the living room]

Cable: So you doing anything tonight? I gotta go to Orlando tommorow so I would love to do something.

Sophie: But TNT isn't till Thursday, today's Tuesday!

Cable: Drake just bought a new house with Bliss so I thought I would go down there before Thursday.

[Sophie has a look of dissapointment over her face]

Sophie: Ohhh wish I could go with you, i gotta go see my dahm parents.

[Sophie enters the living room once again, I approach her and give her a hug]

Cable: How about you ditch the old folk and come with me, it'll be fun, I mean would you be able to do this at your parents house.

[I kiss Sophie as I stick my tongue down her throat, I then reach my hands down and start unbuttoning her jeans, suddenly though she breaks away from the kiss leaving me out to dry]

Sophie: Now now, if we start having sex I don't think we'll be going out tonight

Cable: Oh so we've made up our minds have we, please this time not be a bloody clothes store, I've already spent about 10 dinners out on that 

[Sophie shakes her head with a grin over her face at the same time]

Sophie: Nah we're going down to the pub down the road i was telling you about 

[I gasp for a second looking in distress]

Cable: You mean! Your taking me to an American bar where they sell nothing but crap that came out of Trey Baxter's back side!

Sophie: Yeah they told me they do a mean Miller down there

Cable: You wouldn't! I refuse to go into an American bar and drink piss!

Sophie: Well if you don't then your welcome to sleep on the couch tonight and the closest women you get to for the next 3 nights is the assistant's on Deal or No Deal.

Cable: You....fine....

[Sophie just smiles at me before she heads for the door]

Cable: Jee for such a nice ass you carry one hell of a mean streak!