[Chris Cable is sitting down on a steel chair with the X-Core title over his shoulder, he looks up to the camera]

Experiences shape our lives, they are the things which live within us which dictate how we do peform, how we act in front of other people. I might not be as old as Bob Herman or be a multiple world champ like Johnny Clash but I have been around long enough to know the differences between the good and the bad, the things which motivates us and the things that rot inside us until it consumes the entire body leaving nothing but an outer-shell, What I've learnt over this time is that no mattter what even if there is only that outer-shell left that if you are still in this business then you belong here. Before I was a lone-wolf, I learnt that everytime i had a partner they would bail on me and I was left with nothing but myself. These sort of things shape a wrestlers mind, how they act, how they peform in the ring but most of all how they deal when things go wrong. Everything went wrong for me but it was arrogance which saved me and then shaped me. These seems to be a common theme around here that the AoA are the bad guys, that what we do is ruining everything MPW. Thing is though all we are doing is saving it, we are saving it from the exact people who think that wrestling at the moment is ok, that wrestling is something of purity right now.

Sorry to burst your bubbles but this "thing" we call wrestling is already gone, the Age of Arrogance is the single most dominant and destructive group ever in wrestling, we have won every piece of gold this company has to offer, we have taken the things that all of you people love so much and we squashed them! Madd Katt, thought he could be the hero who could return and take our spotlight, he was an old man that needed to be put into commission and that's exactly what we did!

Then last week we were introduced to a group called the "Iconic Ass Kissers" a group of 3 men who are....wait trying to get to the top, trying to get rid of the competition here. Sort of sounds like what the Age of Arrogance is doing isn't it? Jee when I signed up for this and all the ass clowns around here decided to all join in groups theres nothing left for me to fight. It seems that instead of trying to fight us everyone is trying to copy us. Trey I said since the last time we faced, you want to be the AoA, you are jealous of what we do and what we have done! Jealousy gets you nowhere and your little broke back mountain with Blaze wont last long, because the chances of you even getting to our level is niltch! You can bring up Trey how you've beaten Drake, you've beaten me but the fact of the matter is that we as a collective unit have held more titles than anyone else in this company!

So now that i hold this title and the Age of Arrogance has and has had the greatest moments this company has ever seen what's next for me? Who's the next person to step up to the plate and take on the longest reigning tag team champ this company has seen? Well that's why this week I will step into that ring and give an oppurtunity to anyone who thinks they can take out one member of the Age of Arrogance.

[Cable takes the title of his shoulder and looks at it]

To anyone who thinks that they can take a title which the closet they will get to is a $10 model you buy from the merchandise stand. So for anyone who is up to the challenge of thinking they can take out someone who has knocked out more people that freakin Mike Tyson and Metta World Peace together then please step up to the plate and try your luck. The challenge is out there tools and twirps so for whoever takes me on remember that it was the worst mistake of your life!

And how to I know this?...............because...